Addition or extension to your house is generally considered to be permitted development so you won’t need to go through the additional hassle of getting planning permission. However, you will need to make sure you meet certain criteria. Firstly you will need to review the size of the extension it can be no more than half the area of land around the ‘original property’. This includes the time since the property was originally built. So you will need to look into whether any previous owners have carried out any past extension work. No extension can be higher than the roof of the original house. If you are thinking of the extension being taller you will need to look into planning permission first.
Single-storey rear extensions must not extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by more than three metres (if a semi-detached house) or by four metres (if a detached house) You will need to take into consideration the maximum height of a single-storey rear extension it should be no more than four metres to avoid planning permission. Any extensions of more than one storey must not extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by more than three metres anything more and you will need to consider planning permission.
The eaves and ridge height of the extension must again be no higher than the existing property. A side extension must be single-storey with a maximum height of four metres and a width of no more than half the original house. Two-storey extensions must be no closer than seven metres to the rear boundary. If it is closer than seven metres then planning permission will be required. Finally, any materials used for the extension should be similar in appearance to the existing house. If you did want to use different materials then you would need to carry out planning permission for your extension. If you have any further questions or thinking about having an extension then, please do not hesitate to contact Ashleigh Clarke Architects, where we will be happy to answer any questions or queries you may have to help guide you in the right direction towards your dream extension.