Paragraph 79 - The Country House exemption clause
Ashleigh Clarke Architects

Paragraph 79 – The Country House exemption clause

Posted: August, 2022

Author: AC Architects


As architects, we believe that it is a fundamental principle of architecture to consider how a proposed building or renovation could affect neighbours, the environment and the surrounding landscape. Obtaining the correct Planning Permissions, and other permissions you may need if your building is Listed or in a Conservation Area, is part of our process and we have extensive experience in the area, particularly for heritage and historic properties situated within the Cotswolds.

You may have heard reference to Paragraph 79, but what does it refer to? Paragraph 79 is the country house exemption clause in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which effectively states that you may be able to obtain permission to build “an exceptional one-off house on a site where refusal would normally be expected.”

“To qualify for approval a proposal’s design must be ‘of exceptional quality’. It should be ‘truly outstanding or innovative, reflecting the highest standards in architecture, and would help to raise standards of design more generally in rural areas. It must also ‘significantly enhance its immediate setting and be sensitive to the defining characteristics of the local area”. (RIBA)

We have a strong background in successfully applying for planning applications under Paragraph 79 and using the clause to design innovative homes set within the beautiful Cotswold landscape. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you think that your project may qualify and you need expert guidance throughout the process.

Author: AC Architects
