BLOG || Our Design Philosophy
Ashleigh Clarke Architects

BLOG || Our Design Philosophy

Posted: September, 2022

Author: AC Architects


Every architectural design is a balancing act with a classic balance of form and function. Essentially we believe in creating spaces which are designed for living.

We believe that buildings are homes as well as houses and we are ambitious in our architecture but practical in our approach. Our design philosophy combines what we believe are the essential elements of unique design, longevity, sustainability, bespoke, luxury detailing and function over form. 

“I was always fascinated by how we turn the ideas in our imagination into 3-dimensional reality. I was always intensely practical. I need to know how something will work in reality. When I was studying architecture, I would occasionally clash with my tutors because I couldn’t see the point of designing a hanging waterfall or a suspended glass walkway that wasn’t going to be fully achievable, functional and fit-for-purpose, as well as stunning to look at.

I’ve been creating architectural design for clients for nearly a decade now. I’ve always found that better solutions come from the challenges of the real world – the slope of the land, a height restriction, practical access or available light.

When I design, I continually test my idea against two key questions – why am I building this and how will it work? Otherwise, how can I honestly answer a client’s question when they say – can we remove that beam? Can that window be floor to ceiling?

That means that, when I show clients the initial concept drawings and plans, I’m as inspired by them as I hope they are. Because I know we can make them happen and they will be the best.”

– Ashleigh Clarke, Founder and Lead Architect

Author: AC Architects
